Legal Studies
DTP prepares and reviews legislation for the sector, proposing legal mechanisms and legal alternatives that allow for the necessary adjustments to the legislation, as well as the generation of all documents necessary for the execution of projects. DTP advises in the following areas:

Changes in law
A law change study involves examining and analyzing the changes made to the legal framework that affect an investment project. This type of study is crucial for the project to stay up-to-date and comply with new regulations. The content of a law change study includes the contextualization of the study, the objectives, the previous legal framework, the identification of regulatory changes, the impact on the project, the measures necessary to ensure regulatory compliance, the risks and opportunities, the implementation process, ongoing monitoring, documentation and archiving, and conclusions and recommendations. This study can be tailored to the specific nature of the project. The key is to conduct a thorough and proactive analysis to ensure that the project effectively adapts to legal changes.
Institutional organization of the project
An institutional organization study to implement an investment project involves analyzing the structure, processes, and resources needed within a government agency to successfully implement a specific project. The content that is part of this study includes the description of the investment project and the justification of the importance of studying the institutional organization for its implementation, a SWOT Analysis of the government agency, the description of the current organizational structure, the clear definition of the roles and responsibilities of each unit or individual involved in the implementation of the project, the processes and workflows, human resources, internal and external communication, change management, risk management, implementation capacity assessment, implementation plan with milestones and schedule, among other aspects.
Legal investment schemes
A legal framework study for an investment project involves analyzing and understanding the legal framework that directly or indirectly affects the project. This type of study is essential to ensure compliance with relevant laws and regulations. The content that is part of this study includes the description of the legal and regulatory framework affecting the project, detailed analysis of regulatory compliance, identification of required permits and authorizations, analysis of land ownership and rights associated with the project, review of contracts and agreements relevant to the project, assessment of exposure to potential lawsuits, analysis of labor and employment laws applicable to the project, assessment of environmental laws and regulations applicable to the project, analysis of the tax implications of the project, identification and assessment of potential legal risks associated with the project, analysis of the legal stability of the environment in which the project will be carried out, and a compliance plan, among others.