Environmental and Social Studies
DTP prepares and reviews the studies required to process and obtain environmental impact statements for the execution of projects, which are necessary to comply with environmental regulations, both in the construction stage and also in the operation of the infrastructure. DTP advises in the following areas:

Social management program
The main objective of a Social Management Program is to address and improve the relationship between the investment project and the communities or social groups affected by its operations. The elements that form part of the content of a social management program include social diagnosis (identification and analysis of the affected communities and social groups and their expectations), social commitments, development of plans and programs to address social impacts, integration of responsible social practices in daily operations, active and meaningful participation of the community in decisions that affect them, implementation of sustainable development programs in collaboration with the community, support for educational, health and infrastructure projects in the community, monitoring and evaluation of social impacts, Conflict Resolution and the establishment of indicators to evaluate the performance of the social management program, among others.
Environmental management program
An environmental management program is a set of actions and strategies designed to manage and improve the environmental impact associated with an investment project. The elements that form part of the content of an environmental management program include the environmental diagnosis, environmental objectives, plans and programs to address environmental aspects, actions for their implementation, monitoring and measurement, evaluation of regulatory compliance, communication and participation, review and continuous improvement, biodiversity conservation, waste management and energy efficiency. These are just some aspects of an environmental management program, and the specific content may vary depending on the nature and scope of the investment project.
Environmental and social safeguards framework
La gestión del marco de salvaguardias ambientales y sociales se refiere a un conjunto de medidas y procedimientos implementados para prevenir, minimizar y mitigar los impactos negativos potenciales de un proyecto de inversión en el medio ambiente y las comunidades. El contenido que forma parte de un sistema de gestión de salvaguardas comprende el compromiso con el cumplimiento de normativas y estándares ambientales y sociales, la identificación de riesgos e impactos, la selección de tecnologías y prácticas que minimicen impactos negativos, la participación y consulta pública, la evaluación de impacto ambiental y social (EIAS), el plan de manejo ambiental y social, el establecimiento de un sistema de monitoreo continuo para evaluar la eficacia de las medidas de salvaguardas, los mecanismos de respuesta a emergencias, la comunicación transparente y la revisión y mejora continua.