Financial Studies and Cost-Benefit Analysis


In order to determine the social and economic-financial profitability of investment projects and to obtain federal support and/or financing, DTP carries out the cost-benefit analysis and the financial evaluation in accordance with the regulations issued by the Investment Unit of the Ministry of Finance and Public Credit for the Registration of the Project in its Project Portfolio.

DTP advises in the following areas:

The current situation of the investment project

This study identifies and describes the specific problems that justify the implementation of the investment project, which includes a description and quantification of the supply and demand of the goods and services associated with the project.

This study specifies the optimizations of the current situation, understood as administrative or low-cost measures that would contribute to optimizing the current situation. An estimate is also made of the supply and demand of the goods and services associated with the investment project, taking into account the identified optimizations.

This study describes in detail the investment project and its components, the most important technical, legal and environmental aspects related to its execution, as well as the geographic location with georeferenced coordinates. Additionally, an estimate of the projected supply and demand is determined under the assumption that the investment project is carried out, in order to determine their interaction and verify that it contributes to solving the identified problem.

Es la evaluación que permite determinar la rentabilidad del proyecto de inversión considerando los costos y beneficios monetarios del promotor. Dicha evaluación permite determinar si el proyecto es capaz de generar un flujo de recursos suficiente para hacer frente a todas sus obligaciones incluyendo las financieras y fiscales, así como sus gastos de operación y mantenimiento.

It is the evaluation from the point of view of society, with the aim of knowing the net effect of the resources used in the production of goods or services on the well-being of society. This evaluation includes all the factors of the project, that is, its costs and benefits, including externalities and indirect and intangible effects that derive from the project.

As part of the preparation and review of pre-feasibility and feasibility studies, DTP prepares and reviews the estimated investment and operation costs of the project and the analysis of savings and benefits for users.